On 15.03.2018 17:53, Siddharth Muralee wrote:
> Hey,


>    I am a second-year undergraduate student at Amrita University,
> Amritapuri, India. I would like to take up one of the ideas suggested in
> your wiki namely, "Kernel Address SANitizer". I am a security enthusiast
> and I am familiar with both user-land and kernel-level exploitation. I
> have experience working with the Linux kernel. 
>    I think the most natural way to get started would be making some
> small yet related contributions to the project. Do you have such small
> fixes that could be assigned to me? 
> Besides that, I would really appreciate any form of suggestions
> or information about how the project could be completed.

Please join IRC FreeNode #netbsd-code. I want to discuss with you about
your expertise and the project goals.

> -- 
> Regards, 
>   Siddharth M
>   Second Year B.Tech (CSE) Student,
>   Amrita School of Engineering, Kollam
> /  Blog <http://r3xnation.wordpress.com> /
> /---------------------------------------/
> /“Most people get ahead during the time that others waste.//"/

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