On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 12:32 AM, John Nemeth <jnem...@cue.bc.ca> wrote:

> On May 3, 10:54pm, Mouse wrote:
> }
> } >      There is also the idea of having a module specify the device(s)
> } > it handles by vendor:product
> }
> } Isn't that rather restrictive in what buses it permits supporting?
>      I suppose that other types of identifiers could be used.
> } Indeed, PCI (and close relatives, like PCIe) and USB are the only
> } things I can name offhand that even _have_ vendor:product.  (Of course,
> } I'm sure there are lots of buses out there I've never heard of, or
> } don't know enough about.)
>      Only buses where the devices are identified would work.  For
> buses like ISA where you have to probe the devices, it would not
> be workable.

Don't forget that ISA buses have ISAPNP as an option, so it's more of a
mixed bus. But yea, this can old work on self-enumerating, self-identifying

> }-- End of excerpt from Mouse


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