Hey folks -

I have a need to have an ambient light sensor in my silly little clock project. 
 I have a driver for the particular sensor I’m using that runs entirely in user 
space, but I’m wondering if it might be a good idea to glue it into envsys.

There are a couple reasons for putting it into envsys that I can see:

1- Hey, why not.  It’s an environmental sensor, after all.  We already handle 
relative humidity, why not sunshine too?

2- Putting a driver for it in the kernel would allow me to eventually support 
interrupting on high-light / low-light thresholds, so that I don’t have to poll 
all the time.  Granted, with the GPIO interrupt support I just added, I could 
do this entirely in user space with the kqueue-based “GPIO event” stuff 
originally written by Brad Spencer that I plan to integrate.  But in general, I 
think that envsys should get proper support for interrupting on interesting 

I think all that’s really needed is a new sensor unit type of “Lux”.  It’s been 
a while since I looked at envsys, do I don’t know if it’s possible to set 
high/low thresholds yet… eventually, I think that needs be done in a generic 
way, but I’m going to start with polling for now.


-- thorpej

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