On Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 10:10:07AM +0200, Martin Husemann wrote:
> With the patch applied:
> Elapsed time: 1564.93 seconds.
> -- Kernel lock spin
> Total%  Count   Time/ms          Lock                       Caller
> ------ ------- --------- ---------------------- ------------------------------
> 100.00    2054     14.18 kernel_lock            <all>
>  47.43     846      6.72 kernel_lock            fileassoc_file_delete+20
>  23.73     188      3.36 kernel_lock            intr_biglock_wrapper+16
>  16.01     203      2.27 kernel_lock            scsipi_adapter_request+63
>   5.29     662      0.75 kernel_lock            VOP_POLL+93
>   5.29      95      0.75 kernel_lock            biodone2+81
>   0.91      15      0.13 kernel_lock            sleepq_block+1c5
>   0.60      21      0.08 kernel_lock            frag6_fasttimo+1a
>   0.29       9      0.04 kernel_lock            ip_slowtimo+1a
>   0.27       2      0.04 kernel_lock            VFS_SYNC+65
>   0.07       2      0.01 kernel_lock            callout_softclock+42c
>   0.06       3      0.01 kernel_lock            nd6_timer_work+49
>   0.05       4      0.01 kernel_lock            frag6_slowtimo+1f
>   0.01       4      0.00 kernel_lock            kevent1+698
> so .. no need to worry about kernel_lock for this load any more.

Actually, I wonder if we could kill off the time spent by fileassoc.  Is
it still used only by veriexec?  We can easily option that out of the build
box kernels.

 Thor Lancelot Simon                                         t...@panix.com
  "Whether or not there's hope for change is not the question.  If you
   want to be a free person, you don't stand up for human rights because
   it will work, but because it is right."      --Andrei Sakharov

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