On Tue, 11 Sep 2018, Paul Goyette wrote:

> While working on the compat code, I noticed that there are a few old
> syscalls which are defined in syc/compat/netbsd323/syscalls.master
> with a type of COMPAT_43, yet there does not exist any compat_netbsd32
> implementation as far as I can see...
>       #64     ogetpagesize
>       #84     owait
>       #89     ogetdtablesize
>       #108    osigvec
>       #142    ogethostid (interestingly, there _is_ an implementation
>                       for osethostid!)
>       #149    oquota
> Does any of this really matter?  Should we attempt to implement them?

I believe COMPAT_43 is not NetBSD 4.3 it's BSD 4.3.  Anybody have any old 
BSD 4.3 80386 binaries they still run?  Did BSD 4.3 run on an 80386?  Did 
the 80386 even exist when Berkeley published BSD 4.3?

It's probably only useful for running ancient SunOS 4.x binaries, maybe 
Ultrix, Irix or OSF-1 depending on how closely they followed BSD 4.3.


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