I have a crash on my mac68k machine when trying to boot a -current

[   5.4087986] trap(2bfe50,8,485,66c000) + 708
[   5.4087986] copypage(?)
[   5.4087986] 
sleepq_block(0,0,242d5c,230c80,242d50,1de974,2308d4,72d09c,72d480) + 10
[   5.4087986] cv_wait(242d50,242d5c) + 78
[   5.4087986] kthread_join(782040) + 6e
[   5.4087986] config_finalize_mountroot(0,0,5bc708d6,72b0,0) + 24
[   5.4087986] main(124eee,66e000,0,1000,d8b5a) + 7aa

Looking at details:

db> x/x mountroot_config_lwpids
netbsd:mountroot_config_lwpids: 7300b0
db> x/x 7300b0
7300b0: 782040
7300b4: 7988a0

and this matches the threads I see:

db> ps
PID    LID S CPU     FLAGS       STRUCT LWP *               NAME WAIT
1        1 3   0         0             7985e0               init lbolt
0       34 3   0       200             799080           aiodoned aiodoned
0       33 3   0       200             799340            ioflush syncer
0       32 3   0       200             798b60           pgdaemon pgdaemon
0       31 3   0       200             7988a0         configroot kthrwait
0       30 5   0       200             782040           (zombie)
0       29 3   0       200             798320            rt_free rt_free
0       28 3   0       200             798060              unpgc unpgc
0       27 3   0       200             799b80     icmp_wqinput/0 icmp_wqinput
0       26 3   0       200             7998c0           rt_timer rt_timer
0       25 3   0       200             799600        vmem_rehash vmem_rehash
0       15 3   0       200             782300           scsibus0 sccomp
0       14 3   0       200             7825c0         pmfsuspend pmfsuspend
0       13 3   0       200             782880           pmfevent pmfevent
0       12 3   0       200             782b40         sopendfree sopendfr
0       11 3   0       200             765020           nfssilly nfssilly
0       10 3   0       200             7652e0            cachegc cachegc
0        9 3   0       200             7655a0             vdrain vdrain
0        8 3   0       200             765860          modunload mod_unld
0        7 3   0       200             765b20            xcall/0 xcall
0        6 1   0       200             763000          softser/0

The backtrace does not make much sense to me - does anyone have any ideas?


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