>   e) "Tedious process" Yes, what you're talking about is a very
>      tedious process, that will take literally _decades_ before we
>      move forward and drop code [...]

Decades?  Probably not.  A decade?  Mayyybe.  Years?  Certainly.  And I
think that's how it should be.  I am paid to use Linux at work, and
their "oh, that's three months old, we no longer support it; you have
to upgrade" way is hell.  The more I see of it the happier I am I don't
run it at home.

> I believe there is actually a strong cultural difference at play in
> e).  To me, I perceive what you said in e) as something totally awful
> and crappy, that will dissuade every skilled developer from working
> on NetBSD because they can't even remove code without waiting
> decades.

As what I would like to think is a skilled developer, that is very much
not the case for me.  I run (and work on) past NetBSD _because_ it
cared about compatability and doing things right.  I say "past" because
NetBSD has, in recent years, taken major philosophical steps away from
being the system I know and love.  I see the attitude you are
exhibiting here as a major part of the motivation behind those steps.

I would say to you, and those motivated by "more users is by definition
better" (usually in the form of "we need desktop market share"), or
"`industirally relevant' is a meaningful concept": if you want Linux,
you know where to find it.

It sounds to me as though you want the bleeding-edge features and
agility of Linux with something from NetBSD that isn't clear to me (I
don't see anything you've said that indicates to me what it is that
motivates you to still be here).  I'm inclined to doubt any such thing
exists, though without clarification it's hard to tell.

> We are in 2019, the earth is spinning faster and faster,

Actually, it's slowing down. :-)

> Really awful, filthy, disgusting and backwards way of seeing things,
> that will definitely sink NetBSD for good, by making it a perpetually
> obsolete OS that struggles to implement features of 2020 because of
> the burden from 1990.

Nice!  Cogent, convincing, well-reasoned argument, that.

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