Le 26/09/2019 à 15:06, Mouse a écrit :
[...] compat_linux and compat_linux32 [...]

Keeping them enabled for the <1% users interested means keeping
vulnerabilities for the >99% who don't use these features.

Are the usage numbers really that extreme?  Where'd you get them?  I
didn't think there were any mechanisms in place that would allow
tracking compat usage.

No, there is no strict procedure to monitor compat usage, and there never will
be. Maybe it's not <1%, but rather 1.5%; or maybe it's 5%, 10%, 15%.

Who cares, exactly?

This compat topic has been discussed over and over, and the conclusion is
systematically that these compat options cause immense trouble for little
actual use. Now, we are again discussing the matter, because the problem is
still there.

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