m...@eterna.com.au (matthew green) writes:

>however, disklabel fails at >2TiB for 512 byte sector, so i'm
>now thinking that fixing this doesn't really solve the problem
>for the future properly -- disklabel doesn't return a true
>label here anyway... so it seems that we should be retiring
>DIOCGDINFO usage as much as possible, rather than figuring out
>how to enhance it..

The problem is not with default labels (i.e. no disklabel yet written)
but with generated ones (converted from some native label). All such
labels are (so far) as limited as disklabels and couldn't be used for
larger disks. So I don't think that this is a problem. Tagging such
labels with a magic value or flag bit has also a very limited scope.

If we have native labels that support larger disks we can easily
write a wedge autodiscover method for these. Of course we could do
this also without the need for larger disks and phase out the
fake label generation somewhen.

                                Michael van Elst
Internet: mlel...@serpens.de
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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