
I have some straightforward changes for uvm to improve the situation on
many-CPU machines.  I'm going to break them into pieces to make them easier
to review (only this first piece and what's already in CVS is ready).

I have carefuly measured the impact of these over hundreds of kernel builds,
using lockstat, tprof and some custom instrumentation so I'm confident that
for each, the effects at least are of value.

Anyway I'd be grateful if someone could take a look.  This one is about
reducing pressure on uvm_pageqlock, and cache misses on struct vm_page.



vm_page: cluster largely static fields used during page lookup in the first
64-bytes.  Increase wire_count to 32-bits, and add a field for use of the
page replacement policy.  This leaves 2 bytes spare in a word locked by
uvm_fpageqlock/uvm_pageqlock which I want to use later for changes to the
page allocator.  It also brings vm_page up to 128 bytes on amd64.

New functions:

=> uvmpdpol_pageactivate_p()

For page replacement policy.  Returns true if pdpol thinks activation info
would be useful enough to cause disruption to page queues, vm_page and
uvm_fpageqlock.  For CLOCK this returns true if page is not active, or was
not activated within the last second.

=> uvm_pageenqueue1()

Call without uvm_pageqlock.  Acquires the lock and enqueues the page only
if not already enqueued.

=> uvm_pageactivate1()

Call without uvm_pageqlock.  Acquires the lock and activates the page only
if uvmpdpol_pageactivate_p() says yes.  No similar change for deactivate nor
dequeue as they are much more definite.

=> uvm_pagefree1()

First part of uvm_pagefree() - strip page of identity.  Requires
uvm_pageqlock if associated with an object.

=> uvm_pagefree2()

Second part of uvm_pagefree().  Send page to free list.  No locks required.

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