We have a number of abuses of percpu_foreach in tree: percpu_foreach
forbids sleeping on allocation, but a number of subsystems use it to
allocate memory to which pointers are stored in percpu objects because
the percpu objects themselves may move around in memory.

Each ad hoc abuse of percpu_foreach also works only once, but in
principle, in a future where we support CPU hotplug, we would need to
rerun any percpu initialization or finalization logic on each hatching
or dying CPU.

To address the abuse of percpu_foreach for allocation/deallocation,
and to pave the way for future CPU hotplug, I propose:

struct percpu *
percpu_create(size_t size, percpu_callback_t ctor, percpu_callback_t dtor,
    void *cookie);

With percpu_create, the idiom

        pc = percpu_create(size, ctor, dtor, cookie);
        percpu_free(pc, size);

is something like what you would now get by abusing percpu_foreach as:

        pc = percpu_alloc(size);
        if (ctor) percpu_foreach(pc, ctor, cookie);
        if (dtor) percpu_foreach(pc, dtor, cookie);
        percpu_free(pc, size);

However, unlike percpu_foreach, with percpu_create the ctor and dtor
are allowed to sleep -- e.g., on memory allocation, or on waiting for
users to drain before you can free memory.

With percpu_create, percpu_alloc(size) becomes an alias for
percpu_create(size, NULL, NULL, NULL).

Note: percpu_create is not redundant with percpu_foreach_xcall
discussed in another thread, because allocation is still not allowed
in percpu_foreach_xcall.

The attached patch set
(a) implements percpu_create,
(b) adds it to the man page, and
(c) converts all the abuses of percpu_foreach for allocation or
freeing that I found to use percpu_create instead.

The implementation changes the way percpu records are stored
internally, from an offset `encrypted' as a pointer to a fictitious
struct percpu type, to an allocated record of an actual struct percpu
type that holds the dtor and cookie (and could hold the ctor if we
needed for CPU hotplug).

This means percpu_getref entails one additional memory reference, but
it is to memory that changes very seldom so will probably be cached by
the CPU in any hot code paths; I don't anticipate a noticeable
performance impact from it.


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