On 08.03.2020 18:00, Taylor R Campbell wrote:
> Thanks for doing the research.
>> Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2020 15:30:02 +0100
>> From: Kamil Rytarowski <n...@gmx.com>
>> NULL+0 was added to UBSan proactively as it is as of today not
>> miscompiled, but it is planned to so in not so distant time. It is a
>> chicken-egg problem.
> If you say it is planned, can you please cite the plan?

Adding Roman Levedev, we discussed about enabling NULL+0 optimization.

Teaching LLVM about this will allow more aggressive optimization, so
code like this:


will report different results depending on optimization levels.

> In C++, adding zero to a null pointer is explicitly allowed and
> guaranteed to return a null pointer.  See, for example, C++11 5.7
> `Additive operators', clause 7, p. 117: `If the value 0 is added to or
> subtracted from a pointer value, the result compares equal to the
> original pointer value.'  C++17 clarifies in 8.7 `Additive operators',
> clause 7, p. 132: `If the value 0 is added to or subtracted from a
> null pointer value, the result is a null pointer.'
> So it would be a little surprising to me if compilers -- which tend to
> focus their efforts on C++ more than C these days -- went out of their
> way to act on the inference that evaluating p + 0 implies p is nonnull
> in C.

I underlined the C language in my message. More elaborated answer here:


I was told by Roman that it was checked during a C committee meeting and
confirmed to be an intentional UB.

>> There is however a fallback. If we want to use NULL+0, we must use
>> -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks that avoids miscompilation and raising
>> UBSan reports. If we want to allow NULL+x we must enable -fwrapv.
> Adding -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks for clang too sounds sensible
> to me in general, but please check with joerg first.  It remains
> unclear to me that it's necessary here.

Today it will calm down LLVM UBSan. In future potentially avoid

There are also memcpy(NULL,NULL,0)-like cases that need research why
they happen in the first place.

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