On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 01:25:03AM -0400, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
 > Could you translate your prototype into a
 > different language, one that's less basically hostile to our build system
 > and its goals and benefits?

Like which one? You removed the part of the post that explained that
there aren't other reasonable choices.

Yes, it can be rewritten in C as a subsequent step. *After* quite a
bit of tidying. And no, I'm not doing that now. Among other problems,
compiling it requires bikeshedding where to put it in the tree. Feel
free to sort that out.

As for lua: it has the same headline issues as awk, namely it doesn't
enforce function arguments and doesn't require that variables are
declared before use. Again, I see no reason to think it'll be any more

David A. Holland

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