On Thu 25 Nov 2021 at 08:01:48 -0500, Mouse wrote:
> One of my very-spare-time projects is to move input line editing out of
> the kernel.  Move it into a separate line-editor process and then you
> can choose your input line editor just as you can, today, choose your
> shell.  I'm still mulling over the design issues involved, though,

On the Amiga there was CONMAN: which could replace CON: as a console
window, and it had nice extras like line editing. It also kept track of
the user process' current directory so it could also do file name

On the V7 I used initially, a local patch had added more-like paging to
the kernel's terminal driver. Quite useful on ADM-3a terminals without
scrollback...  I never got around to add this to NetBSD, unfortunately.
But it's a lot less needed in an xterm.

___ "Buying carbon credits is a bit like a serial killer paying someone else to
\X/  have kids to make his activity cost neutral." -The BOFH    falu.nl@rhialto

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