On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 01:26:34AM +0000, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
> I am also a bit puzzled that in our historical code, ANSI ADB
> scancode 42, which is supposed to be backslash (the key is between
> backspace and return), is converted into USB scancode 50, which
> is non US hash. I did not change it, but here again, input from
> someone that has access to that keyboard would help.

I committed the code with a comment about that, thank for Michael 
van Elst for making it clear: USB scancodes 49 and 50 have the 
same translation in most encodings. Exceptions are pt and hu 
(and uk for altgr). I retained the wrong but usual value.

The JIS case is more troublesome:

ADB scancode 93 used to be emulated as USB scan code 100, which 
in backslash/bar in our jp encoding. The change is supposed to turn 
it into USB scancode 137, which should be the Yen but is backslash/bar
in jp encoding. At least it does not change.

ADB scancode 94 used to be emulated as USB scan code 45, which is
minus/equal in our jp encoding. The change is supposed to turn it into
USB scan code 135, which should be RO but is backslash/underscore in 
jp encoding. 

I disabled the autoconfiguration to JIS layout until someone can test 
it. One need to sysctl -w machdep.adbkbd0.emulate_usb=3 in order to
enable it. Feecback welcome.

Emmanuel Dreyfus

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