
I understand that swap space is created by the system and why it's useful
how it helps with running processes but as mentioned on the project page :

The ideal solution would be configurable for:

   - thresholds for creation-do you mean after how much main memory is used
   we should allocate swap space? This seems like a tough problem from a
   mathematics point of view, because I think, choosing when to allocate swap
   space would require us to consider the processes that are in the queue and
   predict how much memory they would require also deciding what process to
   assign to main memory and what to swap space would require some statistical
   - min/max (don't fill up the disk entirely)-

        I'm a newbie in systems programming so correct me if I'm wrong,this
seems like an edge-case issue, basically, if swap space is required and the
system has less memory on disk than required by swap, then maybe we can't
run the process as memory is full, or can we eliminate some low priority
system task which might possibly give us more room.

        For min, I think this will want us to have a look at the process
history to have an idea of how much space should be required, and can we do
this dynamically i.e keep assigning more swap space whenever the process
asks unless we have filled the disk?

I want to make it my GSOC proposal, and I would be glad if you could guide
me in this project and I give me some input for writing a proposal.
Negative or positive please let me know your response, I've just recently
started learning to build an OS myself and I m learning the theory and
writing a bit of code as well, so this project is aligned with my
interests. I would be happy to hear from you.

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