> You probably already researched this, but it looks like newterm() is
> in the curses library in NetBSD-5,

It is.  (I wouldn't've even discovered it if it weren't.  I started
looking at libcurses with an eye to providing some way to output data
via a callback instead of a file descriptor and discovered newterm().)
It's in 4.0.1's libcurses, even - or, at least, it's in my 4.0.1
derivative, and diff -u -r between that and 5.2's libcurses shows
enough differences I doubt I ported it between them, so it probably is
in the base OS I started with.

But we have now definitely drifted off-topic for this list.  Moving
non-blocking I/O out of the object towards userland, that's on-topic
here.  Working around the issue in userland, not so much.

> so getting it to work in NetBSD-1.4T shouldn't be that difficult.

That's what I'm hoping.  I'll see what I can get working in my Copious
Spare Time....


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