> Close-on-fork is apparently either coming or already here, not sure
> which, but it's also per-descriptor.

I should probably add that here, then, though use cases will likely be
rare.  I can think of only one program I wrote where it'd be useful; I
created a "close these fds post-fork" data structure internally.

> The thing is, per-descriptor state is a mess and it shouldn't be
> allowed to proliferate.  The reason: the descriptor is an array
> index.  There's plenty of room to store stuff in the object it looks
> up (that is, struct file) but storing stuff on the key side of the
> array is a problem.

(References to -current here really mean "filedesc.h 1.70 according to

Looking at the include files, it looks to me as though descriptors are
indices into an array of structs (struct fdfile) in -current or 5.2, or
an index into two parallel arrays of pointers and flags in 1.4T.  Those
then point to the structs file (the per-open state).

It's true the flags fields are chars (two bits used in 1.4T, two
separate chars storing one bit each in 5.2 or -current).  But it's a
far cry from being as bad as you outline.  There are multiple bits
free, and, even if they run out, growing them from chars is a low
(memory) cost on 1.4T and probably zero on 5.2 and -current on most

> For a couple bits you can mask them off from the pointer (though even
> that's abusive);

If that were what were being done, I would agree it's abusive.

> more than that and suddenly you need to double the size of the
> fdtable so it contains an extra machine word for random state bits as
> well as the pointer to the struct file.

That is quite possibly why 1.4T uses parallel arrays rather than an
array of structs.  In 5.2 and -current, there is enough additional
state that someone (rightly, IMO) decided it wasn't worth the code
complexity of keeping parallel arrays.  (See struct fdfile in
sys/filedesc.h for the additional state I'm talking about.)

> (Then there's also another issue, which is that in nearly all cases
> nonblocking I/O is a workaround for interface bugs, e.g. nonblocking
> accept or open of dialout modem devices, or for structural problems
> in software that also needs to use the same file handle, like your
> original problem with curses. In the long run it's probably better to
> kill off the reasons to want to use nonblocking I/O at all.)

And replace nbio with...what?  Multiple threads doing blocking calls?
Or do you think everything should be nonblocking by default, with
blocking behaviour implemented userland-side?  Or am I completely
misinterpreting somehow?

> (also, "mirabile visu")

What did I write?


Oops.  Thanks.

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