Clean out your object files and directories. Sometimes old stuff hanging around there can prevent a build from succeeding.


On 2023-06-21 15:43, wrote:

Jun 20, 2023, 23:52 by

On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 05:29:08AM +0200, wrote:

Since past 3?4 days, I am getting consistent failures while compilingthe kernel 
? current.

Did you update the whole source tree? How are you compiling your kernel?


Yes, I updated the whole tree. I was just building the kernel manually,using 
But based on Rin Okuyama's comment, I am trying to build the kernel using, but building the tools fail for me.

./ -U -j3 -m amd64 -a x86_64 tools
--- includes ---
cd: can't cd to include

*** Failed target: includes
*** Failed commands:
@(cd include && find . -name '*.h' -print | while read f ; do  
${HOST_INSTALL_FILE} $$f ${HOST_INCSDIR}/compat/$$f ;  done)
=> @(cd include && find . -name '*.h' -print | while read f ; do 
/usr/src/tools/binstall/obj/xinstall -c  -r $f 
/usr/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-10.99.4-amd64/include/compat/$f ;  done)
*** [includes] Error code 2

nbmake[2]: stopped in /usr/src/tools/compat
1 error

nbmake[2]: stopped in /usr/src/tools/compat

*** Failed target:  install-compat
*** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir="$1"; shift; target="$1"; shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this="${dir}/"; real="${dir}" ;; .) this=""; 
real="/usr/src/tools" ;; *) this="${dir}/"; real="/usr/src/tools/${dir}" ;; esac; show=${this:-.}; echo "${target} ===> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; cd "${real}" 
&& /usr/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-10.99.4-amd64/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_="${this}" "$@" ${target}; }; _makedirtarget compat install
*** Error code 2

Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email:             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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