> Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:49:56 +0100
> From: Andreas Hecht <a.e.he...@t-online.de>
> I am trying to get the volume hotkeys (VolumeUp, VolumeDown, VolumeMute) on my
> Lenovo Thinkpad X200 to work. Unfortunately the respective hotkey events are
> not seen by thinkpad_acpi driver's thinkpad_notify_handler. The comments (->
> "Not seen on T61") in the driver indicate that these volume hotkeys are not
> working for the Thinkpad T61 either. Could someone please point me in the 
> right
> direction how to fix this? The volume hotkeys work fine on the same X200 with
> OpenBSD 7.4.

Some things to try:

1. Post the output of `acpidump -dt' somewhere -- maybe it will have

2. Run

      dtrace -n 'sdt:thinkpad:hotkey:MHKP { print(args[1]) }'

   and then try hitting the hotkeys, and post what comes out.  (Hit ^C
   when done.)

3. If that doesn't turn anything up, could try:

   (a) dtracing fbt::wskbd_input:entry (print args[0]->dv_xname,
       args[1], and args[2]) and see if anything interesting comes
   (b) building a new kernel to printf what's happening inside
       thinkpad_attach to see if that helps, and maybe comparing with
       what OpenBSD does.

And, if this is NetBSD 9.x, try NetBSD 10.0_RC3 -- it has had some
changes in the Thinkpad hotkey driver.

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