Hi! Sorry for such a late contact, I’ve already written a proper 
proposal for apply compat_linux project by following the instruction and 
guidelines from the link given by the NetBSD Gsoc idea list page.I try to 
answer as much questions as I can in the guidelines page and by follow the 
questions,i also try and compile the NetBSD kernel and read through the code 
base that relevant with compat_linux.And I think it’s very weird to apply Gsoc 
project and submit the proposal without having any contact with the 
developer/maintainer of the project.So anyways, sorry for dragging this till 
        As a junior developer I’ve been working on several open source project 
on GitHub with the git/github pr workflow before,but as I read through the 
NetBSD contribute guidelines page, it seems the traditional mail list and 
problem database /problem report is the way to collaborate in NetBSD,so is it a 
“must do” here to use the cvs/svn version control software and the mail list 
for contribute here?
        In the compat_linux project page, saying that 
        "you should find at least one Linux binary that does not yet run on 
NetBSD using compat_linux to use as a test case (your       mentor may have 
        Is there any suggestion on which linux binary isn’t yet supported by 
compat_linux as a test case?

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