Kate Harris wrote:
>> You then use the corporate legal policy to create an IT policy that
>> 'conforms', i.e., personal data will not be tolerated (or backed up and
>> restored) on company laptops.
> I'm not sure I want to go so hard on personal data, but... if the
> policy exists it doesn't have to be fully enforced all of the time,
> just if needed.

It has to be enforced consistently, or else it can be held to be
unenforceable. You can't fire user X over doing un-allowed-activity-A,
where users Y and Z do it and get away with it.

-- John E. Jasen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
-- No one will sorrow for me when I die, because those who would
-- are dead already. -- Lan Mandragoran, The Wheel of Time, New Spring
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