Pretty close to what you've described: koan/ cobbler/ spacewalk. (this is an open source version of Red Hat
Satellite Server; if you've used that, you know what you're getting)

We use koan/ cobbler here, and it works well.  We tie it into cfengine to
automate the post-install (and ongoing) configuration, although we're
looking into moving to puppet.  We may end up using something like spacewalk
as well, it can be handy.


On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 5:59 PM, Eric Sorenson <> wrote:

> I'm at the point (again) where I am automating and taming a large site. I
> take it as a tenet of faith that the foundational underpinnings of the
> infrastructure ought to be driven by a database with well-defined APIs for
> getting info in and out of it - so an operator can put in a new host's
> serial number and MAC address, pick a role that the system ought to be
> configured as, and kick off IP allocation, DNS, DHCP, configuration
> management and monitoring. I have seen the promised land, it worked really
> really well, but our team wasn't allowed to release it.
> So now my belief system around this is sorely tested because it seems like
> I have to re-invent and re-implement this same setup from job to job. Are
> there other acolytes out there who have been able to release or incorporate
> open-source packages to establish a branch of the Scary Devil Monastery in
> their demesne? I've used Sauron[1] at one place and it was OK at the time
> (~2004) but it's sort of in that "Second Age" period of dormancy and is too
> tied to Postgres.  We've uncovered Maintain[2] which is slightly newer but
> also hasn't had a release in two years.  Is there really no OSS work going
> on in this space? Are any of the upstarts in cloud/datacenter provisioning
> talking about system inventory/asset management? The Puppet Dashboard /
> storeconfigs database[3] has a degree of overlap with this space and it
> would be great to integrate or extend it so it's proactive ( i tell it
> beforehand about systems that will be coming online) rather than reactive as
> it is now (the clients just upload whatever their facts are and it stores
> them).
>  - Eric Sorenson - N37 17.255 W121 55.738  -  -
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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