On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:59 PM, Eric Sorenson wrote:

> I'm at the point (again) where I am automating and taming a large site. I 
> take it as a tenet of faith that the foundational underpinnings of the 
> infrastructure ought to be driven by a database with well-defined APIs for 
> getting info in and out of it - so an operator can put in a new host's serial 
> number and MAC address, pick a role that the system ought to be configured 
> as, and kick off IP allocation, DNS, DHCP, configuration management and 
> monitoring. I have seen the promised land, it worked really really well, but 
> our team wasn't allowed to release it. 

The thing that might do most of what you want is Cobbler, from RedHat.  It 
doesn't do the full CMDB database, but it comes pretty close, and I've used it 
to do most of the things you talk about.  

I can write up more of how we used to integrate it w/ CFengine, but in short, 
cobbler brings the machine up and provides DHCP & build infra, to bootstrap 
CFengine.  From there, you can do whatever you need to, in terms of 
configuration & packages, etc.  We used a DB to store roles, classes, etc.


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