> From: tech-boun...@lopsa.org [mailto:tech-boun...@lopsa.org] On Behalf
> Of Adam Tauno Williams
> > I want to run a small application, which only runs on SLES or
> > opensuse...  I want to run it inside of vmware.  Unfortunately,
> > opensuse is not a supported guest OS for vmware (it might work, I
> > haven't tried yet)...
> Eh?  It even includes vmware-tools as a package.  It works very well in
> VMware.

You're saying opensuse includes vmware-tools as a package?
When I go to vmware.com, and look in the Compatibility Guide / Supported
Guest & Host OSes... and search for opensuse as a guest, it says ...

OpenSuse 10.2, 10.3, 11.0, 11.1, and 11.2 are supported on various versions
of VMWare WS, ACE, Server, and Fusion.

OpenSuse 11.3 isn't supported on anything yet.  And unfortunately, 11.3 is
the only one available for download today.

Also unfortunately, none of them are supported on ESX.  Which is what I

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