>On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wro=
>> And in mv, for the cross-device case? =A0I see others that do fast
>> reads, like sum. =A0diff? =A0cmp? =A0grep? =A0How many others? =A0If cp(1=
>> is such a common operation (I bet it isn't), how soon before other
>> programs doing exactly the same thing want the same chunk of code?
>If mv has different file copying code than cp, that's a bug that can be fix=
>How many *writes* does sum do?  It doesn't need a large buffer because
>it's not moving the disk heads to two different locations.
>I don't know how cmp works, but diff reads both *entire* files into
>memory before processing, so that's not a good example of how to do

So, you wish to discuss that, instead of all the other points I bring up?

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