> Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 09:30:22 -0700
> From: "J.C. Roberts" <list-...@designtools.org>
> On Wed, 19 May 2010 09:36:14 +0200 David Coppa <dco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > The occasional/intermittent screen corruption bug seems to have
> > > > disappeared for me with latest xenocara -current + the
> > > > "experimental" Mesa 7.8 update.
> > > 
> > > That's good news! I don't have the "experimental" mesa patch, but
> > > if you want me to test it, mail it to me off list.
> > 
> > I've spoken too soon!
> > The problem now has changed, but it's still here.
> > 
> > Now the screen goes blank but not turn off (a black 
> > screen): no crashes or artifacts, but it's totally 
> > unresponsive and I need to switch to text console and 
> > kill X.
> > 
> > The sad is that this error is unrecoverable: when I try 
> > to restart X, X starts with a blank screen again, with 
> > the message:
> > 
> When testing code controlling video/graphics hardware, you should
> power off the system after hitting an error. The reason is simple; the
> hardware/memory is no longer in a know state, so you no longer know
> what you are testing, and hence, you may not be able to isolate
> *repeatable* errors.

Sorry, J.C. but you're wrong here.  While it is possible to get
hardware in a state that requires a full powercycle to get into a sane
state, the intel video stuff will work fine again after a reboot.

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