On Sat, Jul 03, 2010 at 05:40:45PM +0200, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> 35M, that is insane. Either they have machines with infinite memory or you
> can kill the boxes easily.

You don't need 35MB per client connection if interfaces like sendfile(2)
are used. All the kernel has to guarantee in that case is copy-on-write
for the file content as far as it has been "send" already. Media
distribution server normally don't change files inplace, so the only
backpressure this creates is on the VFS cache. Let's assume the server
is busy due to a new OpenBSD/Linux/Firefox/whatever release. A lot of
clients will try to fetch a small number of distinct files. The memory
the kernel has to commit is limited by the size of that active set, not
by the number of clients.


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