On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 07:27:02PM +0000, martin tarb wrote:

> Theo de Raadt <deraadt <at> cvs.openbsd.org> writes:
> > 
> > > regarding the allegations about a backdoor beeing planted into OpenBSD, I
> > > did a code review myself [...]
> > 
> > By the way...
> > 
> > It is unfortunate that it required an allegation of this sort for
> > people to get to the point where they stop blindly trusting and
> > instead go audit the code....
> > 
> > But looked at from the half-glass-full side, it is refreshing to see
> > people trying!
> > 
> > 
> Actually, when I would design such a backdoor, I wouldn't go for the item
> getting highest attention and most difficult to crack. And because the crypto
> stuff is getting most attention, it's highly likely it'll be replaced every 
> now
> and then with something "better": Backdoor gone.
> I would do a "social engineering". Challenge the IPSec stack to tell me what I
> want to know.
> How:
> - Try to setup a connection with the server you want to have the keys from.
> - Make a "failure" with this connection.
> - This failure would use an additional parameter in the setup payload and 
> answer
> with the info I want to have.
> So where to look:
> In the state machine to initiate/setup the IPSec connection, especially the
> error/declines it sends out. Things like: "setup failure, invalid key:
> &(Yourkey+"additional parameter")".
> That'll be something very difficult to find in reviews (who does look at the
> error notices, reviews are in general looking after the main functionality)
> Stack state machines tend to be related to the protocol basics and these don't
> change, so it's very unlikely a backdoor like this is overruled by a "better"
> implementation, especially if the original implementation is decent and 
> robust.
> This mechanism would need a handfull of connection setup attempts to get
> everything you need to decompose a recorded stream. No intrusions will be
> detected ever, unless logging is at debug level and who does wade through that
> amount of logging .......
> In some situations, you might need to be able to spoof the originating IP,
> though having access to the network infrastructure itself, will be enough.
> Easy, hardly any code required, very difficult to detect and very likely to
> survive for a long period.

Please also check what djm@ wrote in one of the first replies to Theo
original mail:



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