Otto Moerbeek <otto <at>> writes:
> Please also check what djm@ wrote in one of the first replies to Theo
> original mail:
>       -Otto

Yep, I did see that one, though that one does focus on (intentional) bugs in the
the main crypto stuff, and my suggestion is that's not the location where to
look for backdoors.

To obvious, to complicated, to much coding required to realize something
usefull, etc.

There is no need to "break" the crypto stuff, if you can convince the IPSec
stack to send you the keys. When you do have the keys, the only thing you have
to do is decode the recorded crypted stream. When you are the FBI, you
definately have access to intermediate nodes, there's no need to let one of the
end-nodes generate the traffic to you. You only need the keys, just take care
the IPSec stack will tell you when you ask for it and only when you ask for it
with a crafted IPSec init packet.

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