
> we have discussed that with bluhm in berlin and initially i had the same
> opinion: leave the check in the stack, but he has convinced me that it's
> rather pf's job to do it.  

I agree.  If pf is enabled, it can do the job and there is no need for
a second scan.

> i'm not against bringing it back and his diff
> looks fine to me, esp. since it avoids double check that was there before.

His new diff resumes the scan/removal when pf is disabled.  It at
least tries to do *something* against at least some variations of a
blistering attack.

that is why I support it.  Basically, if he commits his new version,
he has retained the filtering for both cases, but sped up the
pf-enabled case.

> >> The non-pf RH0 filtering case is worthwhile.
> >
> > and here we disagree.

Henning, you are way off the map.

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