On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 05:35:13PM +0200, Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas wrote:
| > If you're running on a host without IPv6, why would you want
| > getaddrinfo() to return any IPv6 results? What good would it do to you?
| What's a regular OpenBSD host with no IPv6?  I'd assume that it is
| a host that can perform IPv6 connections to ::1 / localhost and reach
| its neighbors through link-local addresses.

Why would you expect to be able to reach your neighbors through
link-local addresses if you have "no IPv6" (which I take to mean 'no
*configured* IPv6', please correct me if I'm wrong here)?

I believe your expectation here is wrong (although it is the current
state of IPv6 on OpenBSD).  Can you explain why you disagree?

(sorry to hijack the thread, your remark piqued my interest)

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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