On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 06:58:53AM +0200, Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas wrote:
> Paul de Weerd <we...@weirdnet.nl> writes:
> [...]
> > This makes a whole lot of sense to me.  Please make OpenBSD the first
> > OS to do (this part of) v6 in a sensible way.
> Actually that makes me laugh.  Sensible, weeeh.  Let's protect our users
> from the dangers of IPv6 link-local addresses!  Wait, what users are we
> talking about?  We have no users, right, we have developers that break
> stuff, and other developers that clean up the feces.  Between +inet6 and
> eui64 all we have are non-idiomatic or broken alternatives.
> Link-local addresses have been "exposed" since almost 15 years now, it's
> a good time to decide that they are persona non grata in OpenBSD land.
> After all, the v6 stack has had all the testing it could get, now that
> we know that it works well, we don't need testing anymore.
> What could be sensible, though, is accepting the fact that IPv6 exists,
> and the fact that link-local addresses are part of it, whether you have
> global connectivity or not.  Now call me a v6 zealot, I probably live
> and work in an imaginary world.

That reasoning would also leed to the conclusion that we should remove
'up' and 'down' from ifconfig. Since you have a network card installed and
it is part of the system and should therefor be running. There is no need
to install a link-local address on an interface just because it was up-ed.
Would you like that we install link local IPv4 addresses on all
interfaces? It would be possible. It would be ridiculous.

Also not every interface needs a link-local address. It actually causes
strange behaviours when bridge(4)-ing stuff together. This is why -inet6
was created as a hack around the fact that IPv6 is greedy taking over your
network. It is time to replace the hack with a proper solution.

:wq Claudio

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