On 2014/07/11 13:49, Mike Belopuhov wrote:
> as far as i can tell the daemon_rdomain bit that goes into the rc
> script is fine, however i'm not quite sure how can i start two
> daemons in different rdomains via rc.conf.local.  looks like this
> diff doesn't handle this and allows only one instance in the
> ${_name}_rdomain rdomain.  but sometimes you want multiple, say
> sshd in rdomain 0 and 1.  daemon_rdomain flag allows me to go and
> create another rc.d/sshd-rdomain-1 script and stuff daemon_rdomain=1
> in there.  but then i'd have to add it to the pkg_scripts...  this
> is a minor issue that i see.  perhaps ${_name}_rdomain should list
> multiple values, like sshd_rdomain=0,1,2,3.

When you run multiple daemons like this, you also have problems with
pexp matching.

While on the subject, currently there is no way to run the two copies
of ftp-proxy that you need to cope with v4 and v6 without a manual
rc.local entry..

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