Results for an old Athlon (hmm, I don't remember it running at 10.8 Ghz

cpu0: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+, 10823.06 MHz

forktest     0m19.23s real     0m0.72s user     0m22.46s system
forktest+    0m16.33s real     0m0.50s user     0m18.22s system

kernel -j2     3m0.68s real      5m10.95s user    0m41.58s system
kernel -j2+    3m0.45s real      5m10.14s user    0m41.53s system

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Stefan Fritsch <> wrote:

> On Sun, 14 Sep 2014, Job Snijders wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 02:54:54PM +0200, Stefan Fritsch wrote:
> > > I would like people to test the diffs on other machines. In particular
> on
> > > non-Intel CPUs. The only AMD system I could get hold of did not run
> > > reliably with openbsd even without the pmap diff.
> >
> > I tested MP 'kernel -j 2' on a PC Engines apu1c4 (AMD G series T40E, 1
> > GHz dual Bobcat core with 64 bit support) and saw no speedup.
> Thanks. But no slowdown either? If you have time, it would be nice to see
> the result for the fork test, which is a lot more sensitive to the pmap
> handling. The source is at
> Also, it would be welcome if people tested the patch for stability. I have
> been running it on a build VM for a few weeks, but that is hardly a
> complete stability test.

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