thanks for the comments!

Luckily there are still a few algorithms if NTRU is not good yet:

As time goes, maybe this will be a more and more relevant thing. 

-------- Original Message --------
From: Okembe Mbwambo <>
Apparently from:
Subject: OpenBSD/NTRU policy mismatch [Was: NTRU Open Source Project / 
Post-quantum era]
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 20:50:29 +0200

> On 25/05/15 02:50:50 PM, Douglas Ray wrote:
> > 2. The "FOSS exception" clause above won't help with existing
> > OpenBSD policy, insofar as I understand it here:
> >
> > [note section towards end on GPL under "Specific Cases"]
> FWIW, a BSD-licensed NTRU implementation exists at 
> and while it is patent encumbered, it 
> offers a compile switch that causes it to become patent free in 2017 as 
> opposed to the GPL implementation which will be patent encumbered until 2020.
> Okembe

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