On 10.9.2015. 9:47, Peter Hessler wrote:
> On 2015 Sep 09 (Wed) at 23:57:57 +0200 (+0200), Hrvoje Popovski wrote:
> :On 9.9.2015. 10:10, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> :> This is a port of the em(4) IPL_MPSAFE changes made by kettenis@ to ix(4).
> :> Seems to work for me but don't expect any miracles.
> :> 
> :> Please test
> :> 
> :
> :Hi,
> :
> :i am testing your patch with bridged and routed setup and everything
> :works nice. ix card is dual port 82599ES and i'm generating from 5Mpps
> :to 14Mpps on box that is connected to ix1. in routed setup box connected
> :to ix0 receives around 750Kpps and in bridge setup around 600Kpps.
> :
> Is there a change in performance with this diff?

yes ...

without patch

bridge setup ~200Kpps
routed setup ~600Kpps

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