> > From: "Ted Unangst" <t...@tedunangst.com>
> > Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 03:47:56 -0400
> > 
> > ul appears somewhat useless for its intended purpose.
> > 
> > echo _xxx_ | ul does not result in underlined text in an xterm, so I doubt
> > many people are using this.
> > 
> > Unlike, say, mandoc, it can't output Greek letters. I also imagine most 
> > people
> > have moved on to some form of markdown for their other text markup needs.
> > 
> > Will anyone miss it?
> I doubt anybody ever uses it directly, but I've seen it used in
> scripts.  And even though POSIX doesn't mention it, it is present on
> pretty much any UNIX-like OS.  I think removing it would be wrong.

printf '_\bc_\bh_\ba_\bn_\bg_\be_\b _\bi_\bs_\b _\bb_\ba_\bd_\b!\b' | ul


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