On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 08:35:31PM +0100, Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 05:36:21PM +0100, Michal Mazurek wrote:
> > Gregor Best attempted to improve the scheduler in 2011:
> > http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.os.openbsd.tech/27059
> > Here is another attempt, it takes up where the previous one left off.
> > 
> > This is also mostly based on the main idea behind Linux CFS or
> > BFS. I found BFS to be described more clearly:
> > http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/bfs/4.0/4.3/4.3-sched-bfs-467.patch
> > 
> > 
> > Some notes:
> > 
> > Chrome is still not very usable.
> Chrome is not the best benchmark for the scheduler ATM.
> Until the work in malloc to enhance the support for multithreaded
> programs is finished, forget Chrome and Firefox.
> > 
> > Much more work is needed, e.g. there is some MD code on sparc64 and
> > alpha that depends on spc_schedticks that needs to be understood and
> > rewritten.
> > 
> > Maybe using RB trees to queue what is usually no more than 5 elements
> > is overkill.
> > 
> > p_usrpri and p_priority will go away, so userland utilities like 'ps'
> > will need to be changed.
> > 
> > I also want to try and see if implementing one shared queue, instead of
> > keeping one queue per cpu will improve performance even further. Right
> > now there are some heuristics to determine whether a process should
> > switch cpus. This doesn't work very well yet, in my tests with the
> > attached code sometimes one queue was a second behind another. From
> > what I understand that's the idea behind BFS and the reason why it
> > doesn't scale to 4096 CPUs. I see that OpenBSD supports 256 CPUs on
> > sparc64:
> > ./arch/sparc64/include/cpu.h:#define MAXCPUS    256
> > 
> > Nice is not yet supported, but it's easy to add (uncomment and modify
> > 'offset' in sched_deadline(). I didn't want to add it yet to test just
> > how fair this method is. Currently all processes are equal.
> > 
> > Other operating systems provide a couple of different schedulers to
> > choose from, this diff overwrites the 4bsd scheduler with the new code
> > and leaves no choice.
> > 
> > With the new code I got some visible improvements when compiling the
> > kernel:
> > old: 1m46.74s real     5m08.48s user     1m27.37s system
> > old: 1m46.61s real     5m06.93s user     1m28.13s system
> > old: 1m49.91s real     5m19.71s user     1m28.25s system
> > new: 1m38.05s real     5m12.16s user     0m55.86s system
> > new: 1m38.70s real     5m12.36s user     0m57.82s system
> > new: 1m39.10s real     5m16.06s user     0m56.91s system
> That is going to make happy to people running bulk builds :)
> > 
> > I would be interested in hearing if the new code broke something for
> > anyone.
> > 
> > Is there a chance for a scheduler rewrite like this to be commited?

>From time to time, I run a batch video conversion. I tried the same
commands with and without your patch. Your patch is slowing down the
frames-per-second about 30%.

Here are the commands:
$ download some 20-30 minutes videos in mp4 format (youtube is fine for
$ install the packages ffmpeg and libx264
$ mkdir output
$ for i in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -y -i "$i" -vf 'scale=320:-1' -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 
-sws_flags spline -map_metadata -1 -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -b:v 360k 
-c:a aac -strict -2 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -b:a 128k -movflags faststart "output/$i"; 

Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado http://juanfra.info

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