On Sun, Jun 17, 2018 at 07:30:34PM +0200, Jan-Piet Mens wrote:
| Hi Paul,
| > Is there any specific marking on the device to suggest it's from HP?
| oh, indeed. The photo at [1] shows the display with a prominent "HP" logo.
| [1] https://mastodon.social/@jpmens/100220482259778231

Oh, that looks like a weird device, that may not be uplcom(4) at all.
On the other hand, it may still be, just with a uplcom chip in it to
talk to it.  Only one way to find out :)

| > Will it work with the uplcom(4) driver?  Who knows.  Try this (written
| > against -current, so may apply with a little bit of fuzz:
| I'll have to learn how to build from source and find the time to do so.  I
| don't know when I'll be able to do so but will then report back.

To test that I didn't screw up the diff I sent you, I did build a
kernel with it.  If you trust me (you shouldn't I'm a stranger from
the internet), I'm happy to send you my kernel so you can give it a
try.  I *think* it should work without problems on 6.3, but I'm not
100% sure.  At least you should be able to boot in single user mode
(boot -s) and see if the device works that way.

Contact me off-list if you want to give it a try :)




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