On Thu, Feb 21 2019 20:22:16 -0700, Andrew Hewus Fresh wrote:
> > I'm only including the diff because it took quite a long time to run the
> > script (177m08.01s real).
> There are a lot of unicode symbols.  Someday if I get super bored I'll
> write something to do it in parallel :-)

True, there's a lot of them, but it does also seem to be spending quite
a bit of time per symbol. In FreeBSD and also my hobby OS Unleashed,
data is taken from Unicode's CLDR, which I think *might* be faster (it's
been a long time since I did anything with that), but on the other hand
there are so many reasons to dislike that approach. I quite like the
simplicity of your script - it doesn't really matter much if it takes a
long time to run since you don't need to run it very often.

Lauri Tirkkonen | lotheac @ IRCnet

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