On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 6:37 PM Anthony J. Bentley <anth...@anjbe.name> wrote:
> What browser are you using that misrenders the page like that?

Firefox 71.0. It must have something to do with monospace font
rendering on Windows. If you want to simulate the problem, try
adding the CSS below:

dt { height: 18.5px; }
dd { height: 18px; }

Those are the heights computed by Firefox on this machine.

Even if there was no problem, the current style dt { float: left; }
isn't very solid for the expected behavior. This becomes clear if we
manually introduce line breaks inside one of those <dt> tags. This is
not a real example in this case, of course, but it shows how an element
could be pushed beside a previous floated element. If it's desired for
an element to be moved below another floating element that precedes it,
the clear CSS property must be set.

And for now this is probably more bikeshedding CSS than tech@ is
willing to waste time with. But I hope it helps.

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