George Koehler <> wrote:

> On Tue, 11 Feb 2020 18:58:48 +0100
> Jeremie Courreges-Anglas <> wrote:
> > So the steps would be:
> > - build and install a new clang
> > - bump the major of libc++, build and install it
> > - rebuild and reinstall clang
> > - build new snap
> You are the first person to suggest bumping .so majors; I didn't think
> to do so.  If libc++ needs a major bump, then libc++abi and libLLVM
> might also need them.  These 3 are the only .so (that I can find)
> built by base-clang on powerpc.
> Across base + xenocara + ports, almost nothing uses these 3 .so on
> powerpc.  The only users that I find are
>  - /usr/bin/clang* using and
>  - nothing using
> (xenocara/lib/mesa uses libLLVM only for i386 amd64 arm64.  I looked
> for ports with LLVM in WANTLIB, found only devel/py-llvmlite, but it
> requires base-clang, and ports doesn't use base-clang for powerpc.)
> If we don't bump majors, then people who upgrade OpenBSD macppc would
> get the new and at the same time as the
> new clang; and people on other platforms won't see an unnecessary
> major bump.
> If we do bump majors, then people who had used /usr/bin/clang++ on
> OpenBSD macppc might be able to run their old binaries with the old
> and, while the new clang would use
> and

We always bump minors or majors when the ABI changes (depends which kind
of ABI changes, but majors are common).

We never sneak in a ABI change.  You are changing the ABI.  There's
only one way this goes..

Yes the files change on all architectures.  There's nothing wrong
with that.  As long as it can build through..

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