On 2020/03/04 00:55, Robert Scheck wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Mar 2020, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > Can't we assume bird1 will go away eventually?
> Yes, sooner or later. Likely later for OpenBSD when looking to net/bird/1
> and net/bird/2 co-existence, thus ongoing BIRD 1.x compatibility might be
> more important for OpenBSD than for rpki-client downstreams such as Fedora
> (which only ships BIRD 2.x). And I expect I[SX]Ps to be quite conservative,
> too.
> Could maybe somebody with real-world insights comment on this, please?

Definitely some IXPs run BIRD 2 already. IXP-Manager has supported 2.x
in releases for ~10 months now and IIUC only does RPKI with BIRD 2.x.
At least LONAP and INEX are running this.

arouteserver only added BIRD 2 support recently so there's probably more
of a mixture of versions among IXPs using arouteserver.

As far as the OpenBSD BIRD ports go, I wanted to add 2.x early and at that
point it was too new to fully replace 1.x so I just added it in parallel.
But I don't think there is any particular need for rpki-client to support both.

> > Or why don't those people convert json to their required format -- make
> > it their problem?
> Are you referring to BIRD 1.x or 2.x here? I would prefer native BIRD 2.x
> compatibility rather having to convert json around. Nevertheless, I'm not
> sure if it's fair to remove the BIRD 1.x compatibility (which is currently
> broken anyway).
> Honestly, my downstream needs would be satisfied with "-B" leading to BIRD
> 2.x compatible output only (avoiding new options and restructuring), but I
> don't want to behave like a bull in a china shop. Thus in the end it's your
> decision as upstream...

If rpki-client BIRD 1 output is broken, IMHO it makes more sense to do
just that i.e. replace broken 1.x output with working 2.x.

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