Hi Stefan,

On Sun, 06 Sep 2020, Stefan Hagen wrote:

> Hello,
> Lauries video(1) email to misc@ encouraged me to take this information
> and try to come up with a proposal to enhance the multimedia faq with
> information about webcam usage.
> It's the first time I'm working on a faq article and I don't know about
> any style guides. I tried to align with the articles already written.
> Please educate me about the parts I missed.
> I'm not sure where people working on documentation collaborate. So
> I'm trying my luck here on tech@.
> My proposal is online and I'm also inlining it (not as patch for easier
> consumption): https://codevoid.de/h/wip_webcamfaq13.html
> I'm sure some parts need refinement / better wording.
> The part I'm mostly unsure about is how to correctly give the user
> permissions to the video devices. Most people probably do it the
> way I described (doas chmod $USER in .xsession).
> Once it's good enough to get committed, I'll create a proper patch.
> Any thoughts on it?

First, thanks for working on this.
I think it's a good idea, let's see what other devs say.

One quick comment on the "Using a webcam as user" section.  Besides
adding the chown line on .xsession you can use
/etc/X11/xenodm/GiveConsole too (not sure if this is "less preferred"
than your method).  I have this in mine:

if [ -c /dev/video0 ]; then
    chown $USER /dev/video0

Which should be accompanied with an entry on /etc/X11/xenodm/TakeConsole

if [ -c /dev/video0 ]; then
    chown root /dev/video0

In any case, the suggestion of a _video group seems cleaner to me, but
if it has not been done already I suspect there are good reasons for it
(did not dig into the archives, so I'm speculating here).

I'll take a deeper look later.


> Thanks in advance,
> Stefan
> ----
> <h2 id="webcams">Using a Webcam</h2>
> <h3>Supported Hardware</h3>
> <p>
> Most webcams today work according to the USB Video Class
> (UVC) specification, which is supported by the <a
> href="https://man.openbsd.org/uvideo";>uvideo(4)</a> device driver and
> attaches to the <a href="https://man.openbsd.org/video.4";>video(4)</a>
> device. The manpage lists some supported devices, but there is a
> good chance that other devices work as well. For example, webcams in
> Lenovo Thinkpads laptops do usually work.
> <p>
> A supported webcam (or other video device) shows up in <code>dmesg</code>
> like this:
> <pre class="cmdbox">
> uvideo0 at uhub0 port 8 configuration 1 interface 0 "Azurewave Integrated 
> Camera" rev 2.01/69.05 addr 10
> video0 at uvideo0
> uvideo1 at uhub0 port 8 configuration 1 interface 2 "Azurewave Integrated 
> Camera" rev 2.01/69.05 addr 10
> video1 at uvideo1
> </pre>
> <p>
> You see that an <code>uvideo</code> device was detected and has
> been attached to <code>video0</code>. This device will be accessible
> through <code>/dev/video0</code>.
> <p>
> Modern laptops sometimes attach a second video device, which is the
> infrared camera for face recognition. The second camera does not produce
> a usable video stream.
> <p>
> You can find the usable camera with the <a
> href="https://man.openbsd.org/video";>video(1)</a> command:
> <pre class="cmdbox">
> $ <b>video -q -f /dev/video0</b>
> video device /dev/video0:
>   encodings: yuy2
>   frame sizes (width x height, in pixels) and rates (in frames per second):
>         320x180: 30
>         320x240: 30
>         352x288: 30
>         424x240: 30
>         640x360: 30
>         640x480: 30
>         848x480: 20
>         960x540: 15
>         1280x720: 10
>   controls: brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, gamma, sharpness, 
> white_balance_temperature
> $ <b>video -q -f /dev/video1</b>
> video: /dev/video1 has no usable YUV encodings
> </pre>
> <p>
> The usable camera device shows supported resolutions and framerates.
> Note that the framerates only apply to the uncompressed YUY2 stream. More
> on that in <a href="#recvideo">Recording a webcam stream</a>.
> <h3>Using a webcam as user</h3>
> <p>
> To use the webcam as regular user, you need to change the device
> permissions. Only root is allowed to access video devices by default.
> <p>
> One way of allowing your user to access the video devices is to change
> the permissions from <code>~/.xsession</code>. You can configure 
> <a href="https://man.openbsd.org/doas";>doas(1)</a> to perform 
> <a href="https://man.openbsd.org/chmod";>chmod(1)</a> as superuser
> without asking for a password for your user.
> <p>
> Then add the following line to your <code>~/.xsession</code>:
> <pre class="cmdbox">
> doas chown $USER /dev/video0
> </pre>
> <p>
> If you're not using <a
> href="https://man.openbsd.org/xenodm";>xenodm(1)</a>
> and you are starting your X session with 
> <a href="https://man.openbsd.org/startx";>startx(1)</a>, you can 
> accomplish the same with 
> <a href="https://man.openbsd.org/fbtab";>fbtab(5)</a>.
> <p>
> Example entry in <code>/etc/fbtab</code>:
> <pre class="cmdbox">
> /dev/ttyC0     0600    /dev/video0
> </pre>
> <h3 id="recvideo">Recording a webcam stream</h3>
> <p>
> This section uses <code>ffplay</code> and <code>ffmpeg</code> from
> graphics/ffmpeg. To find out what your camera is capable of, run the
> following command:
> <pre class="cmdbox">    
> $ <b>ffplay -f v4l2 -list_formats all -i /dev/video0</b>
> [...]
> [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x921f8420800] Compressed:   mjpeg : MJPEG : 1280x720 
> 320x180 320x240 352x288 424x240 640x360 640x480 848x480 960x540
> [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x921f8420800] Raw       : yuyv422 : YUYV : 640x480 
> 320x180 320x240 352x288 424x240 640x360 848x480 960x540 1280x720
> </pre>
> <p>
> At the end of the output, you'll find two lines similiar to the two
> above.
> <p>
> The first line shows resolutions supported in the uncompressed YUYV
> format. The frame rates in this format can be very low.
> <p>
> The second line shows the supported MJPEG compressed video resolutions,
> which deliver much higher framerates (usually 30fps or 60fps).
> <p>
> Now try to play the webcam stream. Choose one of the MJPEG resolutions
> and run:
> <pre class="cmdbox">
> $ <b>ffplay -f v4l2 -input_format mjpeg -video_size 1280x720 -i 
> /dev/video0</b>
> [...]
> Input #0, video4linux2,v4l2, from '/dev/video0':B sq=    0B f=0/0
>   Duration: N/A, start: 1599377893.546533, bitrate: N/A
>     Stream #0:0: Video: mjpeg (Baseline), yuvj422p(pc, 
> bt470bg/unknown/unknown), 1280x720, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 1000k tbn, 1000k tbc
> </pre>
> The webcam stream should be displayed. Ffplay also shows the used
> resolution and the framerate (fps) used. 
> <p>
> If this works, you can go ahead and record the video with ffmpeg:
> <pre class="cmdbox">   
> $ <b>ffmpeg -f v4l2 -input_format mjpeg -video_size 1280x720 -i /dev/video0 
> ~/video.mkv</b>
> </pre>
> End the recording with "q". You have now recorded your stream to file
> <code>~/video.mkv</code>.
> <h3>Controlling webcam settings</h3>
> <p>
> Webcams usually have brightness, contrast and other controls. 
> <a href="https://man.openbsd.org/video.1";>Video(1)</a>
> allows you to alter these settings. 
> <p>
> First find out which supported controls your camera has:
> <pre class="cmdbox">
> $ <b>video -c</b>
> brightness=128
> contrast=32
> saturation=64
> hue=0
> gamma=120
> sharpness=3
> white_balance_temperature=auto
> </pre>
> <p>
> You can change for example the brightness setting to 200:
> <pre class="cmdbox">
> $ <b>video brightness=200</b>
> brightness: 128 -> 200
> </pre>
> <p>
> If you would like to reset all settings to their defaults, you can do so
> with:
> <pre class="cmdbox">
> $ <b>video -d</b>
> $ <b>video -c</b>
> brightness=128
> contrast=32
> saturation=64
> hue=0
> gamma=120
> sharpness=3
> white_balance_temperature=auto
> </pre>
> <p>
> Some settings, like the <code>white_balance_temperature</code> support
> automatic adjustments. You can set them to a fixed value or set them to
> "auto", which lets the camera decide and use whatever value it thinks is
> best. 
> <h3>Access webcam in chromium</h3>
> <p>
> Chromium has access to <code>/dev/video</code> by default. To
> allow Chromium to access other video devices, you need to add
> the device paths to <code>/etc/chromium/unveil.main</code> and
> <code>/etc/chromium/unveil.utility_video</code>
> <h3>Access webcam in firefox</h3>
> <p>
> Firefox has access to <code>/dev/video</code> and <code>/dev/video0</code>
> by default. To allow Firefox to access other video devices, you need to
> add the device paths to <code>/etc/firefox/unveil.main</code>.

Paco Esteban.

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