On Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 02:02:00PM +0100, Mark Kettenis wrote:
> > Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2021 01:02:53 +0100
> > From: Klemens Nanni <k...@openbsd.org>
> > 
> > apm(4/arm64) merely provides an all zero/unknown stub for those values,
> > e.g. apm(8) output is useless.
> > 
> > Hardware sensors however provide the information:
> > 
> >     $ sysctl hw.sensors
> >     hw.sensors.rktemp0.temp0=32.22 degC (CPU)
> >     hw.sensors.rktemp0.temp1=33.89 degC (GPU)
> >     hw.sensors.cwfg0.volt0=3.76 VDC (battery voltage)
> >     hw.sensors.cwfg0.raw0=259 (battery remaining minutes)
> >     hw.sensors.cwfg0.percent0=58.00% (battery percent)
> > 
> > Diff below simply copies them over using apm_setinfohook()
> > (I've looked at sys/arch/loongson/dev/kb3310.c which does the same):
> > 
> >     $ apm
> >     Battery state: high, 58% remaining, 259 minutes life estimate
> >     A/C adapter state: not known
> >     Performance adjustment mode: auto (408 MHz)
> > 
> > Feedback? OK?
> This doesn't scale.
What exactly does not scale?  The way how various drivers hook into
apm(4)?  I'm not familiar enough (yet) with the framework(s) to judge
their overall design and/or interop strategy off hand.

> The whole apm(4) interface is too closely tied to the original APM
> BIOS model.  Even with acpi(4) it is a bit of a square peg for a round
> hole, for example on machines with more than one battery.
Right, there is hardware which doesn't fit this model and our apm* is
not exactly up to speed with those, but I still don't see actual issues
(as per above).

> I'm not even sure apm(8) should bother reporting some sort of battery
> status.
apm* showing battery information seems only naturally to me since that
is the driver/daemon/tool one issues power commands with, often based
on such information - think of `apmd -z 15':  given that I want my box
to safely suspend around 15% remaining battery, it seems only
consequential that apm* is the same tool I query such information with.

> But if it does, my suggestion would be to make it use the
> sensors framework.  That would need some work though such that drivers
> can mark sensors as providing battery information.  Maybe add a
You mean apm(8) directly using sensor_find(9) or so to look for
suitable sensors instead of relaying values throuh apm(4)?

It sounds simpler in principal but that's just my naive guess;
I'll take a curious look into whether/how this could work.

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