>> And I am not letting someone write to the filesystem. Yet, they can
>> bypass that easily. `unveil("/", "rx")` gives a false illusion of
>> security, which can even trip up OpenBSD maintainers (more below).
> That statement has a precise meaning, so I disagree. The unveil manual
> page does not contain the word "security" even once, so you are the one
> jumping to conclusions.

This presentation does, though. Man pages aren't the only source of
information, and in fact this exact presentation was the place where
I've found out what unveil is. It's on the official domain, so I've
assumed that it was a trustworthy source - I guess not? Did a hacker
put it there?

> To generate a specific effect, the tool has to be used correctly.
Which, in it's current state, is confusing even for people with in-depth
knowledge of OpenBSD. If a maintainer can't use it correctly, what about
us "mere mortals" who have never looked at the kernel's source?

> I guess you don't know how shared executables work.
hm. That's possible, I'm not omnipotent. I've tried running a few
dynamically linked binaries under an OpenBSD vm with all mounts set
to read-only and they've seemed to work fine though.

> The behaviour isn't documented, because the behaviour you want is
> non-sensical. It simply does not work, because of shared libraries,
> and other things that programs do upon initialization.
*because YOU think it's non-sensical. Again, it's was literally used
in this exact way by other OpenBSD maintainers.
Also, what do you exactly mean by "other things"? If it's a program
e.g. writing to a log file, or to a lock file, or to whatever, and
I'm exec'ing that exact program, I can just give it access to that.
Principle of least privilege. If it only needs access to its lock file,
why should I give it access to my ssh keys?

> Rather than arguing with Claudio and I, [...]
I wasn't arguing with Claudio. They were nice, they treated me like an
> why don't you TRY to change the kernel do so so, and learn the
> consequences.
That's my plan, actually! I'm probably going to use plan9 instead, it
has some very nice features which could aid me in that. In fact,
that's why I've asked the next question:

>> Out of curiosity, have there been any discussion on this? I tried
>> looking around on the mailing list archives, but I haven't found
>> anything regarding this.
> Terribly sorry you didn't get what you aren't owed.
This one! Thanks for your apologies. I still hope that Claudio replies,
I've asked them nicely and they seem like quite a nice person too.
Seeing what went wrong for y'all would save me quite some time.
Cooperation is what FOSS is about, after all.

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