
fair enough.  When there are good reasons to not merge manual pages - 
in this case, causing confusion about types and encouraging type
conversion, overflow, and truncation bugs, and alarm(3) and ualarm(3)
not being part of the same subsystem in the first place (if i
understand deraadt@ correctly) don't merge.

Theo de Raadt wrote on Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 05:24:28PM -0600:

> In short words: "don't intermix".

In that case, i'd just say, in each of the three manual pages:

  Calling more than one of the interfaces setitimer(2), alarm(3),
  and ualarm(3) in the same program results in unspecified behaviour.

Probably best below CAVEATS.

That is precise and concise, and it sounds sufficiently scary.

One could say, in addition, that doing so is likely to cause various
kinds of platform- and implementation-dependent bugs, but i see no
real need.  That's basically just what "unspecified behaviour" means.


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