On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 04:30:02PM +0200, Alexander Bluhm wrote:
> Goal is to retire the async crypto API.  It is slow and adds
> complexity which hinders MP progress in IPsec.  It is used by the
> old PCI devices hifn(4), safe(4), and ubsec(4).
> These devices are not common anymore.  Using the CPU for crypto is
> faster than offloading via the PCI bus.  By having special requirements
> for the crypto API, those devices slow down modern machines.  They
> only support crypto algorithms that are insecure nowadays.
> ok to remove hifn(4) safe(4) ubsec(4) ?

I am OK with the removal of these drivers.

Some manual pages, sysctl.2, pci.4 and ipsec.conf.5, now contain stale
references. Also, the removed manual pages are still linked in

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