I ran into problems with Apple clients failing to connect to
iked after updating a machine to 7.1, introduced by

spi=0xac3d46687441f957: recv IKE_SA_INIT req 0 peer rrr.rrr.rrr.rr:49436 local 
lll.ll.lll.lll:500, 308 bytes, policy 'default'
spi=0xac3d46687441f957: send IKE_SA_INIT res 0 peer rrr.rrr.rrr.rr:49436 local 
lll.ll.lll.lll:500, 341 bytes
spi=0xac3d46687441f957: recv IKE_AUTH req 1 peer rrr.rrr.rrr.rr:64892 local 
lll.ll.lll.lll:4500, 368 bytes, policy 'default'
policy_test: localid mismatch
spi=0xac3d46687441f957: ikev2_ike_auth_recv: no compatible policy found
spi=0xac3d46687441f957: ikev2_send_auth_failed: authentication failed for
spi=0xac3d46687441f957: send IKE_AUTH res 1 peer rrr.rrr.rrr.rr:64892 local 
lll.ll.lll.lll:4500, 80 bytes, NAT-T
spi=0xac3d46687441f957: sa_free: authentication failed

I don't have full details of config done on the other side nor any
fruit-based phones to test from myself, did anyone already run into this
and figure out a way around it?

I'm currently running code backed out to "cvs up -D'2021/11/26 15:00'"
as a workaround.  My config looks like

set fragmentation

ikev2 "default" passive esp from to dynamic \
  local lll.ll.lll.lll \
  peer any \
  ikesa enc aes-128-gcm group curve25519 group ecp521 group ecp256 group 
modp2048 \
  ikesa enc aes-128 enc aes-256 auth hmac-sha2-256 auth hmac-sha1 group 
curve25519 group ecp521 group ecp256 group modp2048 group modp1024 \
  childsa enc aes-128-gcm group curve25519 group ecp521 group ecp256 group 
modp2048 \
  childsa enc aes-128 enc aes-256 auth hmac-sha2-256 auth hmac-sha1 group 
curve25519 group ecp521 group ecp256 group modp2048 group modp1024 \
  childsa enc aes-128 enc aes-256 auth hmac-sha2-256 auth hmac-sha1 \
  srcid "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
  lifetime 3h bytes 5G \
  eap "mschap-v2" \
  config address ttt.ttt.tt.ttt/26 \
  config name-server lll.ll.lll.aa \
  config name-server lll.ll.lll.bb \
  tag "$name-$id"

ikev2 "keysim" active tunnel esp from to \
        local lll.ll.lll.lll peer kk.kkk.kkk.kkk \
        ikesa auth hmac-sha2-256 enc aes-256 group modp3072 \
        childsa auth hmac-sha2-256 enc aes-256 group modp3072 \
        srcid lll.ll.lll.lll dstid kk.kkk.kkk.kkk \
        lifetime 3h bytes 20G \
        psk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
        tag "keysim"

include "/etc/iked.users"

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